Sunday, November 4, 2007

Teaching an "Old" Dog New Tricks

I know this may sound silly, but I made it a point that when I got married I would always put the toilet seat down. It was just a small thing that I knew I could do to add a little more happiness to my marriage. How have I been doing over the last few years? Excellent. It's a shocker when Heather finds that I haven't put the seat down.

But all that has changed over the past couple of months. I am now in trouble if I put the toilet seat down. Why? Well, given the nature of pregnancy, Heather has been making more frequent late night trips to the pot. Given that she is barely half awake during these midnight runs, she is quickly awaken when she sits down on the cold, closed lid. I've now been repremanded for keeping the lid closed. Unfortunately, this has been a really hard habit to break. In fact, I've only successfully done it once.

Only two more months!


Kimberly said...

Hilarious! Not too much longer. Good luck with all of a pregnant lady's requests.

Mom said...

Sorry, Heather, it's my fault. I taught all of my children to keep the lid down as I did not want any of my children playing in toilets, putting things in them (like rolls of toilet paper (Ella?). It's a habit that all of my children have. I still think it's a good one.

Heather C. said...

I do to! I love it... just not when I'm 8 months pregnant and half sleepwalking/running to the toilet in the middle of the night. Other than that I think it's the greatest thing ever!