Sunday, November 18, 2007

Elder's Quorum Fun

So I had one of the most interesting experiences teaching Elders Quorum today. I was teaching lesson 20 from the Spencer W. Kimball manual on "The Women of the Church". First, this was a difficult lesson to teach since it was really geared towards women and I had to teach it to a bunch of men. Second, probably 95% of the men in Elders Quorum are married, but there are some that are not (either never been married and a couple that are divorced). So that adds to the complexity of teaching this lesson.

The lesson started out ok until about 10 minutes into it. After one guy made a comment regarding the good things that a woman can bring to a family and church, another man got up and, very vocally, stormed out. Apparently he's going through a rough divorce right now and didn't appreciate the fact that we were talking about the good things about women (I found this out after the fact).

I think I'll chalk this up as one of the most "interesting" things that has ever happened to me teaching a class in church.

1 comment:

Jill said...

You should write a book with all your church experiences...having people storm out of your lessons, speaking five times a year, funny sacrament talk stories. You never know what's coming.