Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008


I don't spank, but if I did I would have yesturday. The neighbor kids came over and Travis tends to be territorial when their here. I was chatting with my friend in the kitchen when I heard the scream. Turning a 180, I saw the little girl next door grabbing her face whilst screaming, "Travis eat me!! Travis eat me!!!" She pulled her hand away to reveal a rapidly forming purple circle covering bits of her cheek, eye, and forhead. Judging Travi's determined face, he was mad and definitely the predator in Jacie's victimhood. As the deepest teeth marks I'd ever seen (even including Thomas's through the shirt bite) began to form, Travis recieved a 2 minute time-out from a mother with a quivering lip. I was really upset, but not so much as Jacie who was still grabbing the left side of her face in agony.
I've tried everything to get him to stop bitting. I fear Travis was born with a bit a fire which, cultivated properly, could lead to his advantage in life I'm just not sure if I'm going about it the right way. Any pointers would be appreciated:)
P.S. Maia and I had to stop ourselves from cracking up while Jacie explained to Travis very calmly that she quote: "Did not want be his dinner."

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Falling In Love

Travis has found a soul mate...Ella Jane..he he!

We went to Great G. Clarks house for Steve's birthday dinner...Travis and Ella were so funny together. She loves her cousins!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Sorry it's taken me so long to get these up!  If everybody will upload their pictures from our visit then we can all share!  First click

Then click on the "Utah Halloween 2008" album.  

To upload your pictures from your computer click on the button at the top that says "upload" and follow the directions.  

If you have any questions call me!  Can't wait to see all your cute pictures :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Accident Waiting to Happen

Baby holding kitty on table. A re-creation of what I found taking place this morning.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The truth

in case you all didn't already know:

58% Geek

Monday, September 15, 2008

"Doggy Bite...This Finger"

Ella Jane likes to tell short stories.

A few weeks ago, while Ella was feeding the dog treats @ Grammy's House, Jake nipped her finger by accident. She has told us this daily for two weeks now. I just thought it was so cute not to share. Uncle Jay is Ella's favorite right now....I think it is cute.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Smarty Pants

We've been watching a lot of political news webcasts lately, can you tell?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fang Update

The two bottom teeth have come in but the top . . . "I vant to suck your blood!"

Sunday, August 31, 2008


I have a great friend who I attended school with whom I look up to as a wonderful inspiring woman and mother. She has made me do a little soul searching with some of my day to day activities and obligations. I have used a few words from her great post and hope she doesn’t mind. Thank you for the little reminder of living each day to JUST BE!

One of the things that I have always been sure of is that I don’t want an overscheduled family. In April’s General Conference, Elder Ballard gave a poignant talk that empathized with young mothers. In it, he quoted the author Anna Quindlen, who said, “The biggest mistake I made as a parent is the one that most of us make…I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of (my three children) sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages six, four, and one. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less.” (Loud and Clear [2004], 10-11) (M. Russell Ballard, The Ensign, 2008 General Conference address, 108 – 110)

This makes me cry. With a new one week old baby (Molly) and a 2 year old (Ella), I am aware that each day their babyhood, their childhood, is fleeting, I also know that life as a young mom will never be enough to chase away the yearning I will have when I am much older to see my babies as babies again. I have learned you will constantly be battling between maintaining and enjoying. I remember this as I am outside swinging at the park with Ella Jane and telling her it’s time to go home to take a nap or make dinner, or have a bath.

I need to SIMPLIFY! What does it mean to simplify my day-to-day life? I think it means, planning ahead household cleaning and other responsibilities, compounding all errands into one afternoon and forgiving and forgetting the things that don’t go as I had planned. I can’t change the fact that my husband, Spencer will spend a good portion of time at school or work; what I can affect is the carefree, childhood days my children have.

“I know that there can be joy in the doing and maintaining, but I want to create for my kids the opportunity to just be.” To take a walk to the park or blow bubbles in the backyard with no plans to go inside. To read stories and play pony’s and barbies without letting my mind wander to the heaping pile of dirty laundry that needs washed and folded or the bathroom that needs to be cleaned. To pull a stool up to the counter while making chocolate chip cookies (Ella’s favorite!) to teach them that responsibility is more fun when we do it together. To go to the park and wrestle and play when dad gets home, rather than run errands or participate in too many organized activities. This is what I want to do. I feel very satisfied with my life. I know it’s only going to get busier and more complicated so for today, I’ll make the decision to “JUST BE.”

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Our Little Girls

Baby Ella Jane November 16, 2006
Baby Molly Ruth August 23, 2008
Ella Jane was 7 lbs. 15 oz and 19 inches long
Molly Ruth was 7 lbs. 14 oz and 20 inches long
We think that Ella and Molly look pretty similar except that Ella was much more chubby and Molly is a little skinny girl. We love having two little girls.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kary-Ing Kitty

Angel's Snot continued...

A few minutes after sharing his moment with Sally, Travis got bored and decided to chase the cat.

Is it Love?

Travis has a lot of friends in our apartment building. In this pic, he is sharing the hose with a girl named Sally. They are covered in Angel's Snot (corn starch and water) and fighting over the hose. However, when viewed afterwards, the picture (look, they're staring deep into each other's eyes) may suggest a hint of Romance:)

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Thanks for sending the text message Spencer, she's so cute!  Another grandkid with the Clark cheeks :)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Fat Cat's Bowling and Pizza!

What a fun family outing. Julie and Clint were down from Idaho so my family went out to fat cats and did some fun bowling. Ella had a great time. She actually bowled well....with a little help from the kid ramp they have.
And yes....if any of you are wondering....I am still sporting a big belly with great bowling shoes in this photo...not my best modeling shot sorry! I was hoping bowling would help move things along...I am ready to pop any day now....hopefully sooner than later!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Who Are You?

For all the Jane Austen fans out there, this is for you...

I am Anne Elliot!

Take the Quiz here!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Vampire Baby

Look close, can you see his fangs?

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Today he found dirt.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Yesterday Thomas had a meltdown and was screaming and crying.  He soon calmed down and was happily helping me empty the dishwasher when he grabbed a towel and started wiping his eyes.  Then he said, "I have crying in my eyes, Mom."

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Emerson found a pen

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Be careful what you wish for!

Hi! As many of you know, being a Gospel Doctrine teacher has totally taken me out of my comfort zone. I start worrying about the next lesson (which may be 6 wks away) right after giving a lesson. We got a new Relief Society President last week, Stephanie Orison, and I get a call to see Brother Terry after church today. I'm thinking, they are going to add the calling of being choir president (Stephanie's previous calling, besides being in the Stake Young Womens presidency) to what I already do. I've been totally blown away with my last two callings as I had no idea that I would be chorister in Sacrament meeting or Gospel Doctrine teacher. So, I had kind of been praying that I would get a different calling and I would be happy with anything, but I didn't think I'd get out of my current calling for awhile. So, brother Terry asked if I would be a Laurel Advisor and all I could say, was, "Does this mean I get released from being a Gospel Doctrine teacher?" When he said Yes, I said "Yes!" and made the gesture with my fists. After awhile, it sunk in that I am going to be much busier than I was before, Sunday's and weekly meetings! And, I have always taught Beehives and they are usually so happy to be there. Laurels will be very challenging as I think there is a big group of girls and only a few active and most work. I guess I'm up to the challenge. Jenny Roberts is the Young Women president and I will enjoy working with her.

Random Stuff

This morning we were running late for church so Mike and I got the boys dressed and then quickly got ourselves dressed.  In the middle of our frantic scurrying I saw Thomas and Emerson waiting patiently for us, playing together on the floor.  CUTE!

We had a fun weekend, Friday we went to a baseball game with a bunch of Mike's co-workers.  Thomas likes baseball.
Both boys did awesome and we lasted almost the entire game.  Emerson wowed everyone with his ability to fall asleep amidst all the cheering.  

At one point Thomas got a hold of my camera.

On Saturday Mike and I were one of the millions who saw the new Batman movie.  Long and lots of violence but we both loved it!  Today, Sunday, we had the missionaries over for dinner and by the time they left we had both had it with Thomas, he was being a little terror and got sent to his room.  Mike left for a meeting and I completely forgot about him up there until about a half hour later.  I peeked in his room and this is what I found.  Poor guy was exhausted.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

"May the Sneaky Child Win"

Travis has discovered he can keep his toys away from Ella. He is very sneaky and clever. Travis can hold his own and Ella is in for a new suprise. We got a snap shot over the 4th of July weekend of Travis Growling and Grunting while trying to take his toy back that Ella took from him in the little pool at G&G Clark's house. Ella is using her favorite word "NO...NO while pulling the toy away.


"Boom...Boom!" Ella Jane really likes fireworks. We went to Eaglewood Golf Course with Colby and Stephanie and other friends on the 3rd for a Spectacular Firework show! Ella Jane would say "Boom Boom...WOW"and then she would tell us a color like "purple or green." She enjoyed playing with the other kids and watching the fireworks. On the 4th we went to the Clark's for a BBQ and then we got some fireworks to do in the circle. Ella really likes SpArKlerS!


Fireworks were great fun for Ella this year. She is enjoying some "snaps" with Spencer at G&G Clark's house on the 4th of July

Monday, June 30, 2008


Here's a little photo journal of Thomas's stitches adventure on Thursday. Most of the pictures were taken by Thomas.

This is the stool he fell onto and split his lip while he was supposed to be taking a nap

This is the sticky alligator the nurse gave him at urgent care to make him feel better when she told us we had to go to the ER because they have to put him out to give him stitches on his lip

This is Thomas REALLY bored and hyper (remember, no nap) waiting for the doctor to see him at the ER

This is one of the nurses that Thomas took pictures of after he got bored with coloring and ripping apart his sticky alligator.

This is the doctor that took forever on the phone while Thomas, the "child drugging staff" and I waited not so patiently

This is the nurse that taught Thomas how to turn the camera around and take pictures of himself

This is one of about 30 pictures that Thomas took of himself

This is the doctor who is finally ready and trying to distract Thomas while they give him the nasty shot in his leg to put him to sleep

This was the last picture he took before he went to sleep (well, sort of went to sleep, it was totally creepy because he never closed his eyes, eek)

This is Thomas when he woke up and demanded the camera back. He was rewarded with a popsicle instead

This is a close up on the nasty thing (his lip, not the popsicle)

And this is the children's Motrin that Thomas took a picture of when he stole the camera back after we got home ... 5 hours after we left for Urgent Care!

This is Jill the next morning when Thomas woke her up by taking pictures of her.

We thought after his long day he would sleep in but we were wrong

The End

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mispronunciation Fun

From time to time, we have been in Sunday School classes where the teacher repeatedly pronounces a word either wrong or with a thick Utah accent. One of our favorites from Heather's parents old ward was learning about the "plegs" of Egypt. This one happened over 4 years ago, but still comes up every once and awhile and gives us a good laugh.

Today's lesson in Gospel Doctrine was on Alma chapter 5. The instructor, posed the question: "What does it mean to have Christ's image in your continence?" Yes, that's right your continence not your countenance. Even some of the others in the class tried to help the instructor out by emphasizing the correct pronunciation of the word, but to no avail. Wondering why this kept making us chuckle? Click here for the definition of continence.

Forget the spiritual aspects of going to church, it's times like these that keep me coming back week after week.

Happy Father's Day

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

the weekend

My sister Melanie posted a recipe for a 

yummy lamb sandwich on her blog last week.

I was dying to try it but it looked like a lot of work.  

So Michael and I doubled the recipe and invited some friends over for dinner on Sunday night to be our guinea pigs.

Mmm, doesn't it look soooo good!

At 5:30 everyone had arrived and we were just finishing last minute preparations, Mike was slicing the lamb and I was putting away a few clean dishes as we talked and joked with our guests.  

I was especially witty, I was captivating my audience with a story while I pulled the blender out of the dishwasher and set it on the counter. 

I had them laughing as I stacked a heavy ceramic bowl on the shelf and I turned around to look at them and enjoy  their smiles.  But they weren't smiling.  

Apparently I was concentrating on my story more than on what I was doing and the ceramic bowl teetered and fell, smashing and shattering the blender on the counter.  The blender, or what was left of it, then began to fall off the counter.  

I looked back to see it falling and instinctively reached out to catch it. 

 I caught it.

I just had one real cut and it really wasn't as bad as it could have been,

but lots of glass and blood later we were all trying to decide whether or not I should get stitches.  

Then one of our guests jokingly said she knew from parental experience that you can wait up to 12 hours to get stitches.  That was enough for me!  

We wrapped up my hand and ate our yummy sandwiches.  

I did end up in the ER later that night and it's been gross and sore ever since.  I'm so glad I enjoyed my food first.  In case you were getting hungry here's my lovely hand today, 4 double stitches later.  GROSS!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


One week before Justin and I came down to Emphraim for his job interview, we bought Lagoon season passes. So now every time we go up north we try to go even if it is just for an hour or two. Yesturday was the first time we took Travis with us. He loved it!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Car Conversation

Thomas:  Mom, I'm totally freakin' out!

Me:  You're totally freakin' out?

Thomas:  Yeah, my eyes are freakin' out

Me:  Is it too bright?  

Thomas:  Yeah

Me:  Need Sunglasses?

Thomas:  Yeah.  Thanks Mom.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Wedding Video Conversation

Thomas (looking at the cover of our wedding video): Mom, it's your movie!

Me: yep

Thomas: It's so beau'ful. Mom, you're a princess, and Dad has a flower.

Me: yep, that's when we got married in the temple

Thomas: Oooo

Me: Are you going to get married in the temple?

Thomas: No, I'm going to get married at Costco

Monday, June 2, 2008

CuTs n' BrUiSeS

This is the result of going down These stairs on my mountain bike:) Why do I have to be the responsible one who worries? Just kidding Justin, you're very responsible. And at least I'm not bored:)

Friday, May 30, 2008


Ella Jane really likes to have her picture taken. She will come to me and say "mama- Cheese" and smile really big! I couldn't resist this darling little face!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I took the boys to the doctor today and Thomas is in the 75% for height and weight.  He's a little big but not freakish.   Emerson, on the other hand, is OFF THE CHARTS for length. He's 27 3/4 inches long. He is also in the 99% for weight at 19 lbs 4 oz. and that is on an empty stomach. Poor little guy, he's not even 5 months old yet and he weighs more than some 1 year olds. He is the most gigantic, squishy and happy baby ever! I love my big boys!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Funny Conversation

This morning Thomas did something that is SO characteristic of him that I had to share.   While I was making breakfast he was being a little stinker and so I took a toy away and put it in the basement, our usual method of discipline (or retribution).  He was pretty dramatic in displaying his displeasure but soon breakfast was ready and he had calmed down.  I asked him to say the prayer and he immediately says, 

"Dear Heavenly Father, please bless Mommy not to get angry and take my toys away... and bless the food."  The best part came after the prayer.  

He says, "Mom, what did I pray?"  Oh the bitterness of having your own manipulation tactics used against you.

I said, "You asked that I won't get angry and take toys away." 

"Yes," he said "I blessed that you won't get angry."  

"Ooh."  I had to bite my lip so I wouldn't start laughing.  

"I told Heavenly Father that," he said emphatically.

What a character.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A lot like dating...

I'm trying to force myself to be social. Justin can tell the days when I don't interact with anyone above the age of 10 months all day because I mal him when he gets home opposed to just being glad to see him. He hasn't said anything, I can just tell. So I got the number of our neighbors that have a 1 year old son and a 3 year old daughter. I obtained the number in a way that is quite similar to the dating scene. "Oh, cute blue sweater! How old is your baby?" She replies, "He's one. How old is yours? He has cute socks." I say, "These old things? Why thank you." It is worth the effort, though. Now Maya and I talk all the time and she's coming over and bringing her babies within the hour. Now I'll have a fun story for Justin when he gets home:)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Apartment living

The first 2 weeks have gone really well here in Ephraim, Utah. This is a picture of me putting sugar in one of the container thingys. I would like to show you a before and after picture of our kitchen, but between the dishes not being done yet, me cooking dinner, and a jigsaw puzzle on the table, it doesn't look much different then this pic:) We really love our new apartment. We feel so blessed.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Making progress

Well, I got the go ahead to start back to work full time, starting next week. I told the doctor I was getting used to just working 4 hours per day for the past 4 weeks and he said he'd be happy to let me continue working part time for awhile and was willing to keep me on disability. Was very tempting, but told him my co workers have picked up my slack long enough and I would feel very guilty not working full time. Six weeks ago, I couldn't even lift my arm but a few inches and the doctor told me I had to raise it above my head in order to go back to work full time. At that time I thought I was going to have to find a fake arm to bring to the doctor's office and hold up. But lo and behold the exercises have paid off and I am able to raise my arm up over my head (is painful, but I can do it). I start working on the shoulder muscles with 2 pound weights twice a week now. I see the doctor in 3 months and by then I should have full range of motion and be able to pick up my grandchildren. (and hook my bra up in the back) Just in time for Kim's new arrival! And I should be strong enough to pick Emerson up, too! 3 cheers for me! I also told the doctor that I would much rather have a Csection than shoulder surgery again!

Friday, May 16, 2008

"Duet by the Clark Grandchildren"

STARRING: Ella Jane Clark and Travis Justin Clark....In Concert together Sunday afternoons after 5:00 PM / MST...tickets on sale at the box office!!

Ella loves music and enjoys playing the PIANO....what we discovered is that Travis does too! WE sure do have a musical family...it's in the genes you know!