Sunday, November 18, 2007

My first Ambulance ride

On November 8th Ella and I were doing laundry in the morning. She loves to help me take the clothes out of the dryer and put them in the basket. Well, after all the clothes were in the basket I put Ella in the basket which I then put on top of the dryer. I turned my back to get the hangers on the door and Ella jumped out of the basket. She did a nose dive onto the tile floor and knocked herself out. I couldn't bring her back so I called 911, she was unconscious for 3-5 minutes. The paramedics, EMT squad, fire truck, police cars all came to the rescue. We had a living room full of trained professionals. Ella did not know what was going on until twelve men huddled over her. She was then assessed and taken to the ambulance. We had a bumpy ride to Primary Childrens Hospital and Spencer met us there. Ella recieved a sticker from the paramedics which she held onto the entire day. Long story short... after neck xrays and a CT scan Ella was just fine, not even a bump or a bruise. Thats the last time Ella gets to sit on the dryer.

1 comment:

Heather C. said...

Oh MY WORD!! I'm so glad she's ok... are YOU ok? I think I would have had a heart attack! Amazing how babies bounce back. My brother's advice to me just before I had Thomas was "don't panic, it's really hard to break a baby." I thought that was funny but it's turned out to be pretty accurate, somehow Thomas has survived so far.