Friday, January 11, 2008


So let me explain our nightly ritual: Every night we make Thomas use the potty before going to bed, but we've also realized that if we take him to the bathroom one last time before we go to bed, we generally can count on him sleeping all through the night.

So last night was no different. Heather and I got into bed and we remembered that one of us needed to take him to the bathroom. The lot fell to me. So I went in Thomas' room and picked him up off his bed and started carrying him to the bathroom, when all of a sudden: "Apples!". Out of nowhere Thomas decided to shout in his sleep, which at first startled me and then made me laugh uncontrollably (I could hear Heather laughing from our bedroom - partially at Thomas, partially at me).

The rest of the conversation between me and Thomas (who was now half awake, half asleep due to my loud laughter) went something like this:

Thomas: "Dad, you're 27."
Dad: "That's right and you're 2."
Thomas: "OK"

And we all went back to bed (and Heather and I continued to laugh for a few more minutes).


Heather C. said...

Somehow I think it was a lot funnier late at night, but it still makes me giggle

Jill said...

It must be a Clark thing because I have heard some of my siblings sleep talk quite a bit and it is very amusing.

Amy said...

Very funny!!!