Sunday, December 9, 2007

Church History

So I was reading some documents that were assigned for my church history class of when Brigham Young spoke as if it was Joseph Smith speaking and to my surprise one of the select few that were chosen to have us read about was by Ezra T. Clark. So that was really cool, because he is totally like my Great, Great, Great, Great Grandpa (give or take a Great). Anyways, the very end of his long journal entry he said, "Two days later the Prophet was martyred, and two or three weeks later, when the saints held a conference, and Brigham Young arose as leader of the Church, I want to bear record that he spoke as Joseph used to speak; to all appearances, the same voice, the same gestures, the same stature. I bear this record to all the world, to my children and to my children's children, and also bear record that this is God's work, and that it will roll on as it has done from that day to this." Anyway, I just thought that was really cool.


Heather C. said...

That is WAY cool!

Michael Clark said...

You should get a copy of his biography from dad or grandpa. It has that whole story in it.

Jill said...

I know, I have been planning on starting the biography over Christmas break. I just thought it was cool that it was in my assigned reading.

Amy said...

Way cool!!!!!!!!11

Mom said...

Hmmmm. I guess there is good reason to keep a journal?