Monday, June 30, 2008


Here's a little photo journal of Thomas's stitches adventure on Thursday. Most of the pictures were taken by Thomas.

This is the stool he fell onto and split his lip while he was supposed to be taking a nap

This is the sticky alligator the nurse gave him at urgent care to make him feel better when she told us we had to go to the ER because they have to put him out to give him stitches on his lip

This is Thomas REALLY bored and hyper (remember, no nap) waiting for the doctor to see him at the ER

This is one of the nurses that Thomas took pictures of after he got bored with coloring and ripping apart his sticky alligator.

This is the doctor that took forever on the phone while Thomas, the "child drugging staff" and I waited not so patiently

This is the nurse that taught Thomas how to turn the camera around and take pictures of himself

This is one of about 30 pictures that Thomas took of himself

This is the doctor who is finally ready and trying to distract Thomas while they give him the nasty shot in his leg to put him to sleep

This was the last picture he took before he went to sleep (well, sort of went to sleep, it was totally creepy because he never closed his eyes, eek)

This is Thomas when he woke up and demanded the camera back. He was rewarded with a popsicle instead

This is a close up on the nasty thing (his lip, not the popsicle)

And this is the children's Motrin that Thomas took a picture of when he stole the camera back after we got home ... 5 hours after we left for Urgent Care!

This is Jill the next morning when Thomas woke her up by taking pictures of her.

We thought after his long day he would sleep in but we were wrong

The End

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mispronunciation Fun

From time to time, we have been in Sunday School classes where the teacher repeatedly pronounces a word either wrong or with a thick Utah accent. One of our favorites from Heather's parents old ward was learning about the "plegs" of Egypt. This one happened over 4 years ago, but still comes up every once and awhile and gives us a good laugh.

Today's lesson in Gospel Doctrine was on Alma chapter 5. The instructor, posed the question: "What does it mean to have Christ's image in your continence?" Yes, that's right your continence not your countenance. Even some of the others in the class tried to help the instructor out by emphasizing the correct pronunciation of the word, but to no avail. Wondering why this kept making us chuckle? Click here for the definition of continence.

Forget the spiritual aspects of going to church, it's times like these that keep me coming back week after week.

Happy Father's Day

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

the weekend

My sister Melanie posted a recipe for a 

yummy lamb sandwich on her blog last week.

I was dying to try it but it looked like a lot of work.  

So Michael and I doubled the recipe and invited some friends over for dinner on Sunday night to be our guinea pigs.

Mmm, doesn't it look soooo good!

At 5:30 everyone had arrived and we were just finishing last minute preparations, Mike was slicing the lamb and I was putting away a few clean dishes as we talked and joked with our guests.  

I was especially witty, I was captivating my audience with a story while I pulled the blender out of the dishwasher and set it on the counter. 

I had them laughing as I stacked a heavy ceramic bowl on the shelf and I turned around to look at them and enjoy  their smiles.  But they weren't smiling.  

Apparently I was concentrating on my story more than on what I was doing and the ceramic bowl teetered and fell, smashing and shattering the blender on the counter.  The blender, or what was left of it, then began to fall off the counter.  

I looked back to see it falling and instinctively reached out to catch it. 

 I caught it.

I just had one real cut and it really wasn't as bad as it could have been,

but lots of glass and blood later we were all trying to decide whether or not I should get stitches.  

Then one of our guests jokingly said she knew from parental experience that you can wait up to 12 hours to get stitches.  That was enough for me!  

We wrapped up my hand and ate our yummy sandwiches.  

I did end up in the ER later that night and it's been gross and sore ever since.  I'm so glad I enjoyed my food first.  In case you were getting hungry here's my lovely hand today, 4 double stitches later.  GROSS!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


One week before Justin and I came down to Emphraim for his job interview, we bought Lagoon season passes. So now every time we go up north we try to go even if it is just for an hour or two. Yesturday was the first time we took Travis with us. He loved it!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Car Conversation

Thomas:  Mom, I'm totally freakin' out!

Me:  You're totally freakin' out?

Thomas:  Yeah, my eyes are freakin' out

Me:  Is it too bright?  

Thomas:  Yeah

Me:  Need Sunglasses?

Thomas:  Yeah.  Thanks Mom.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Wedding Video Conversation

Thomas (looking at the cover of our wedding video): Mom, it's your movie!

Me: yep

Thomas: It's so beau'ful. Mom, you're a princess, and Dad has a flower.

Me: yep, that's when we got married in the temple

Thomas: Oooo

Me: Are you going to get married in the temple?

Thomas: No, I'm going to get married at Costco

Monday, June 2, 2008

CuTs n' BrUiSeS

This is the result of going down These stairs on my mountain bike:) Why do I have to be the responsible one who worries? Just kidding Justin, you're very responsible. And at least I'm not bored:)